Love Southport first launched in September 2023 out of Lakeside Church. It's a movement of generosity and kindness that is aimed to make a lasting difference in the lives of those who right now might be going through periods of difficulty. Southport is not unlike any other town or city in the UK where there are areas of deprivation and people struggling to make ends meet. And yet together, as we pool the resources we've been given, we believe we can make a positive difference and become part of the solution to transforming lives, and in the process, our town. Coupling sacrificial giving with intentional acts of kindness, our aim is to financially bless both a number of non-profit organisations who are supporting those in need and to demonstrate God's love to those around us. We invite you to join with us and to play your part because when we give and serve, we show love. See below on how you can do this!
Throughout the month of September, we once again asked you to give to the Love Southport fund of which 100% could then be invested back into local community based non-profit organisations and projects that are helping those in need. Check out our 'Beneficiaries' page to see where that was given. We'll be doing the same again throughout September 2025.
Alongside your financial giving, we mobilised an army of volunteers who served our town with some intentional acts of service, both individually and corporately, that together made a positive impact on the areas and the people around us. This year, we made our 'Blessing In A Backpack' the major focus which enabled us to distribute over 6300 bags full of goodies to all the primary school aged children across our town along with some other schools too just across and into the West Lancashire borough. We would love you to join one of our Serve Teams next September as we prepare to do it all again.
‘For God so loved the world that He gave…’ (John 3:16). It’s perhaps the most well known of all verses we find anywhere within the Bible and is one that continues to inspire and motivate billions of people the world over to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those around them.
Love is a powerful thing and can cause you to do all kinds of strange and wonderful things. How much more powerful is God’s love! We believe it is the most powerful thing anyone could ever experience and is something we want every individual irrespective of who they are to encounter because of its power and ability to change and transform like nothing else.
We are excited about serving our town in this way and would encourage you to consider getting involved. Please contact us if you would like to find out more.