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Your donation makes a difference.

Every penny given supports local community-based nonprofit organisations.


Through Love Southport, we have the opportunity to support other local non-profit organisations who are doing amazing work across our town that benefits the lives of those who live here. Every penny donated to the campaign will support the needs and efforts of these organisations. Thank you for your generosity and your willingness to be involved in this and to help make a difference to those who right now are in need of help and support.​


Throughout our September Sunday services, (both our 9:15am and 11:15am services), you will have the opportunity to give into our Love Southport fund, with a special launch offering taking place on the first Sunday in the month. If you prefer to do this online, please see the Love Southport account details below..


If you are a U.K. tax payer, you can make your giving go even further at no extra cost to yourself by Gift Aiding your giving. Contact us if you would like more information on this.


Ways to give...

Online payment for shopping on e-commerce platforms

EFGA re: Love Southport

S/C: 60-05-16

A/C: 28163842




Stacks of Coins

You can drop off your gift at any time through the week (Mon to Fri 9am to 4pm) or if you're with us for our Sunday service, put it in the offering containers when they are passed around in an envelope clearly labelled LOVE SOUTHPORT.

In Person

Your giving makes a difference.

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